注:はい、わかります – このビデオは古くなっています。リスク許容度と教育に焦点を当てることについてのアドバイスはまだまだあります。
これは英国ロンドンのインペリアルカレッジで開催されたCoinscrum {MiniCon}で2016年12月3日に行われた講演の一部です:
投機の代わりに教育に投資する –
初期コイン・オファリング(ICO) –
為替取引ファンド(ETF)はどこですか? –
集中化された取引所の代替案 –
Bitcoinは世界的な通貨危機から私たちを救うでしょうか? –
Andreas M. Antonopoulosは、ビットコインで最もよく知られており、よく尊敬されている人物の1人になった技術者と連続起業家です。
彼は2つの書籍の著者であり、O'Reilly Media社が出版し、Bitcoinに関する最高の技術ガイドとみなされている "Mastering Bitcoin"なぜ、ビットコインが重要なのかについての本である「お金のインターネット」。
Bitcoin&open blockchainsの詳細については、チャンネルに登録してください!
音楽:Orfanの "Unbounded"(
I'm from Argentina and I can 100% confirm that
i just start in
you would love Colombia never any inflation 7 beautiful woman for every male, and everything is cheap and wonderful in Colombiafacts
Can you tell me what we can do as citizens to best protect and enforce this revolution?
100% of saving invested in bitcoin. So zero diversity, no other coins? Something about that is unsettling for me.
The full block chain size is currently roughly 145GB, I can handle such a download in a laptop or a desktop pc but how does it work on a mobile? I can not download such an amount of data into my phone, so I guess there is an intermediary when using the mobile app?
How do you speak so much sense !! Love it
2 cups of coffee with transaction fee of a 20 cups of coffee = bitcoin 🙁
well i guess he is dept free now?
He's got a lot more now, that for sure! lol
I love this guy
Great Guy. If he ever came to my city coffee is on me 😉
I'm from Argentina, planning on get on the kryto-train soon!!
I'm from Argentina, planning on get on the kryto-train soon!!
Anton is climbing the charts as one of my very favourite people on Earth.
What a likeable, inspirational guy. I hope he's secretly Satoshi.
I heard Antonopolous say in another of his videos he doesn't own much bitcoin himself. wtf.
You're the best!
I'm sure you paid your debts now!
great great man so humble …..
Im from Argentina, sad true… 🙁
He always has the best answers
This guy has the best videos on Bitcoin that I've seen so far.
FINALLY! I knew Andreas was hodling!
I just what to thank you for all you do and all that you teach. You are one of the worlds foremost experts (in my opinion) and you teach in simple language that all can understand and absorb.
He lowered the volume of the outro music! aantonop, may Kek's praise be upon you and your family for a hundred halvenings!
The title should be "How many bitcoins do you have?" We agreed on that terminology 4 years ago.
Bought 1 Bitcoin then traded it for less volatile Ethereum and kept buying more ethereum.
Great content. Keep it up!
Some bitcoin is better than none
2:05 I like this thinking! "Take something from a negative habit and put that into Bitcoin!"
never is too much.